The State of Retirement Today: A Snapshot

Retirement age has risen, and nearly half of Americans aged 55 to 66 have no savings. Phased retirement is on the rise, but planning remains a daunting task, with many unprepared for their golden years. This infographic explores causes and potential solutions for this problem. In this infographic you will learn about:

Changing Retirement Landscape: With increased lifespans and diverse needs, retirement plans must offer customizable solutions. Millennials and Gen Z face unique barriers to saving, while older generations struggle with unexpected costs.

Barriers to Saving: Younger generations juggle retirement planning with other priorities, while older adults fear healthcare expenses.

Solutions for the Future: Ensuring guaranteed lifetime income and offering customizable benefits can provide a pathway to secure and equitable retirement outcomes.


Get the Full Picture on Retirement Today

Who is October Three?

Our mission is to help employees achieve better retirement outcomes with forward-thinking plans that meet employer needs. As a consulting firm and one-stop-shop, October Three has the administrators, actuaries and consultants to design programs and then administer them — leading clients through every step of the plan journey.  

Want to learn more about the retirement program of the future?

October Three experts are happy to discuss how we could customize O3 PRIME to fit your company’s needs and answer any questions.

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