The State of Retirement Today: A Snapshot
Retirement age has risen, and nearly half of Americans aged 55 to 66 have no savings. Phased retirement is on the rise, but planning remains a daunting task, with many unprepared for their golden years. This infographic explores causes and potential solutions for this problem. In this infographic you will learn about:
Changing Retirement Landscape: With increased lifespans and diverse needs, retirement plans must offer customizable solutions. Millennials and Gen Z face unique barriers to saving, while older generations struggle with unexpected costs.
Barriers to Saving: Younger generations juggle retirement planning with other priorities, while older adults fear healthcare expenses.
Solutions for the Future: Ensuring guaranteed lifetime income and offering customizable benefits can provide a pathway to secure and equitable retirement outcomes.
Get the Full Picture on Retirement Today
Who is October Three?
Our mission is to help employees achieve better retirement outcomes with forward-thinking plans that meet employer needs. As a consulting firm and one-stop-shop, October Three has the administrators, actuaries and consultants to design programs and then administer them — leading clients through every step of the plan journey.